M2 is 3! And that milestone inspired some reflecting. As many of us personally experienced, M2’s year was totally different than I anticipated and planned for.
While many founders focus on building apps and scalable technology, I ran out and bought a 2006 RV to refurbish and drive around so I could bring people physically together in a small space. Eye contact. Touch. Those are my jam. But they are certainly not what the pandemic ordered.
I had to return to M2’s intention:
Meet communities where they are, and provide resources, tools
and inspiration to improve mental health and well-being.
That’s who we want to BE. The mobile studio had been how we DO it. Our special sauce. But it did not define us.
Our communities were settling into screen boxes, and that’s where we met you. You needed resources, tools and inspiration to improve mental health and well-being more than ever. And we needed to be creative about fostering meaningful connection, to each other and to ourselves.
So we adapted our format to focus on deeper, longer, topical workshops. And it has been awesome.
We look forward to meaningful connection in 2021, in whatever form it brings.