I’ve spent a few weeks trying to find an alternative to bench seating, but nothing seems quite right. Luckily, I turned to the best Internet researcher I know, my sister-in-law, Debbie, who lives in northern California. As I was leaving an appointment I checked email and saw she sent over three chair ideas. When I clicked on the second link, I could barely contain myself. The chairs looked perfect. Comfortable. Meditative. Inviting. Accessible. I eagerly scrolled down the website, growing increasingly hopeful that these chairs are exactly what I’ve been looking for. And then I saw in small, nondescript letters in the footer, “Scottsdale, Arizona.” WHA?! Are these locally-made chairs?! Even better! I pressed the “call” button and sputtered with enthusiasm when a woman answered the phone. Indeed, Zen By Design is based here in the Valley of the Sun, and the charming owners invited me to their home to take them for a “test sit.” I can’t wait to try them out on Monday!