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M2 Mindfulness Blogs

Susan West
Feb 27, 20231 min read
SIGH. It's good for you.
A study recently published in the journal Cell (1) reviewed the impact of three daily, 5-minute controlled breathing practices:...

Susan West
Jan 30, 20233 min read
Q&A: What does your mindfulness practice look like?
During a recent workshop someone asked me what my mindfulness practice looked like. I noticed I had a hard time answering. In part...

Susan West
Jan 24, 20222 min read
To do, or to be? That is the question.
I spent many years ignoring January, resolute in my resistance to declare any resolutions, suspicious of cultural pressure. And, yet, I...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Mindfulness Myth Debunked with "Every little bit counts."
Check out Gerardo's smile. He had heard about the many benefits of mindfulness practice, but he never tried it "because the influencers...

Susan West
Jun 24, 20211 min read
The Power of Play
Play is for everyone, of all ages. You know why? Because it’s fun. And because it’s good for your health and well-being. Play is good for...

Susan West
Dec 2, 20201 min read
A Holiday Gift for our Community
Please join me for a virtual mindfulness workshop or two. They are FREE, my holiday gift to you.

Susan West
Nov 30, 20202 min read
Loneliness and mindfulness
Recently I read Together by Dr. Vivek Murthy, an exploration of our deep, instinctual need to participate in community and bond with...

Susan West
Oct 27, 20201 min read
Gratitude Attitude vs Fresh Hell
Our neural biology is hardwired to notice and dwell on the negative. It’s an evolutionary “scanning for threats and saber-tooth tigers”...

Susan West
Sep 15, 20202 min read
Kindness to the rescue!
Schools are opening up. So are some workplaces. The election is shifting into high gear. Many of us are operating from a position of...
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