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M2 Mindfulness Blogs

Susan West
Jan 30, 20233 min read
Q&A: What does your mindfulness practice look like?
During a recent workshop someone asked me what my mindfulness practice looked like. I noticed I had a hard time answering. In part...

Susan West
Apr 29, 20222 min read
Just STOP Already
S.T.O.P. Stop Take a breath Observe Proceed If I had to pick just one practice to share, it might be STOP. I use this all. the. time. At...

Susan West
Jan 27, 20222 min read
Mangling Magazines: Bringing your intentions and values to life in a vision board
I first tried creating a vision board at a workshop at a friend's house several years ago. It was kind of a bust. I hadn't done any...

Susan West
Jan 24, 20222 min read
To do, or to be? That is the question.
I spent many years ignoring January, resolute in my resistance to declare any resolutions, suspicious of cultural pressure. And, yet, I...
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