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M2 Mindfulness Blogs

Susan West
Nov 1, 20221 min read
The Perils of "Afternoon Brain"
Want to preserve your ability to make more thoughtful decisions? Give your brain a break. Sounds pretty intuitive, right? Research...

Susan West
Feb 23, 20221 min read
Show Up to the Live Class!
All digital delivery is not created equal. At least not when it comes to stress reduction for online mindfulness training programs....

Susan West
Nov 8, 20211 min read
The Upside of Contagion
In a recent study at Coca-Cola Iberia in Madrid, researchers measured the impact of acts of kindness in the workplace. They found that...

Susan West
Oct 26, 20211 min read
Go In to Peace Out
Looking for an innovative way to invite connection and show appreciation this holiday season? M2 announces “Go In to Peace Out,” a...

Susan West
Oct 6, 20211 min read
"I can see how this will help me."
I Ioved meeting this sweet couple at Swift Transportation Driver Appreciation Week. He's a driver; she's his new wife. When she learned...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Mindfulness Myth Debunked with "Every little bit counts."
Check out Gerardo's smile. He had heard about the many benefits of mindfulness practice, but he never tried it "because the influencers...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Beginner's Mind, "I like trying new things"
"I like trying new things." -Wes, Swift Transportation Driver "Thanks for showing me something new." -Robert, Swift Transportation Driver...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
M2 Is Back on the Road
Choosing to meet people in person is a decision we made while navigating a thought-storm of concerns and doubt-- for safety and health,...

Susan West
Jun 24, 20211 min read
The Power of Play
Play is for everyone, of all ages. You know why? Because it’s fun. And because it’s good for your health and well-being. Play is good for...

Susan West
Apr 18, 20211 min read
Anxiety and Depression on the Rise
You already know the pandemic has taken a toll on how your employees feel. Many are experiencing burnout, increased stress, anxiety and...

Susan West
Jan 14, 20211 min read
M2 is 3!
M2 is 3! And that milestone inspired some reflecting. As many of us personally experienced, M2’s year was totally different than I...

Susan West
Dec 2, 20201 min read
A Holiday Gift for our Community
Please join me for a virtual mindfulness workshop or two. They are FREE, my holiday gift to you.

Susan West
Nov 30, 20202 min read
Loneliness and mindfulness
Recently I read Together by Dr. Vivek Murthy, an exploration of our deep, instinctual need to participate in community and bond with...

Susan West
Oct 27, 20201 min read
Gratitude Attitude vs Fresh Hell
Our neural biology is hardwired to notice and dwell on the negative. It’s an evolutionary “scanning for threats and saber-tooth tigers”...

Susan West
Aug 4, 20201 min read
Overwhelmed by work and school at home? You've got this, a few moments at a time.
Whether your child is 1 or 21, “back to school” choices this fall feel thoroughly suboptimal. How do we prioritize among physical health,...

Susan West
Jul 8, 20201 min read
Mindfulness of Bias
I’m noticing I feel insecure about how to respond to some of the challenges we are facing. I know my values and intentions are to speak...

Susan West
Apr 2, 20202 min read
Keep calm and quarantine on
Life sure hasn’t gotten any easier the last couple weeks. The “new normal” is characterized by uncertainty, heightened emotional states,...

Susan West
Feb 10, 20201 min read
Are you ready for the anti-challenge?
Phew. We made it through the whole January “New Year/New You” thing. Are we feeling triumphant, unscathed or defeated? Maybe a little of...

Susan West
Aug 14, 20192 min read
From SWAT to Sit
Sometimes careers take an unexpected turn. Ed Morales, Gilbert police officer and former SWAT team member and U.S. Marine, spent most of...

Susan West
Apr 30, 20192 min read
Let's Make This the New Normal
May is Mental Health Month. 1 in 5 people will be affected by mental illness in their lifetime. But despite its prevalence, many of us...
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